We are located in an area of the country that has a dense population of ticks, including the deer tick. Ticks are often found in wooded and overgrown brush areas. Campers can take preventive measures to lower the possibility of exposure to infected ticks by wearing light-colored clothing so ticks may be seen more easily, tucking pants into socks or shoes, and applying an insect repellent containing DEET to both clothes and exposed skin. Daily tick checks by campers are routine.

Tick prevention at Sprout Lake Prior to the start of camp:

  • The entire campus is sprayed for ticks by a tick control specialist, which reduces the number of ticks around camp. The specialist not only sprays main camp but also sprays in our wooded areas such as the ropes course and our camp sites.
  • Our maintenance team quickly removed all leaf piles from camp as they were created throughout the Fall and Winter. Ticks are known to collect in piles of leaves.
  • Our staff has undergone training on tick prevention and checking for ticks and what to do once a tick is identified.
  • Tick prevention at Sprout Lake during the camp session:
    • Our grass is mowed every other day.
    • All campers will be required to wear long pants, long sleeves, closed toed shoes, and pants tucked into their socks when entering our wooded areas, such as the low ropes course and camp sites.
    • Campers will need to apply bug spray to the outside of their socks and shoes when entering wooded areas.
    • All of our camping trips this summer will be outside the Hudson Valley and campers and staff will still be required to remain cautious.
    • Staff will help the campers each night check themselves for ticks. Any camper that finds a tick will be taken immediately to the health center for removal, and you will be notified by email.

For tick prevention The Center for Disease control recommends bug spray that contains at least 20% DEET; however, we understand that many of families are uncomfortable using this. Our staff will ensure that our campers are using bug spray as part of their morning and afternoon routines, and most importantly when they are going into wooded areas.

The Health Center is knowledgeable in matters related to ticks, including proper tick removal and post-exposure treatment. In the event that a tick is detected on and removed from your child, an email with information about ticks and the potential for Lyme Disease will be sent to you. Our nursing staff will continue to monitor your child for any signs of illness.