New York State Law prohibits campers from keeping any medication (including over-the-counter items such as vitamins, aspirin, analgesic and antihistamine) in the bunk area. It is not necessary to send your child with these medicines, as the health center will provide these as needed. Campers may be dismissed from camp for keeping medications in their bunks.

All medication administered at camp must be pre-packaged by Sprout Lake’s medication vendor. Sprout Lake requires all parents/guardians whose children take ANY chronic or over the counter medication chronically, to register with our vendor that will dispense and package all of your child/ren’s medication for the duration of the camp season. ALL MEDICATION must go through them, including inhalers, liquid, PRN (as needed medications), etc.                                                                                                                                                                                               

Medication Dispensing: Our vendor will prepare your child’s medications in multi-dose strip pouches, labeled with their name, medication details, and instructions. This not only helps our nurses stay organized but also minimizes the risk of errors. To prioritize safety, you will not be allow to bring any medications with your child to camp.

Registration Process: Complete your registration promptly. Early registration is crucial to ensure timely delivery of medications, avoiding any late fees or expedited shipping charges. 

Sprout Lake will NOT be distributing or administering vitamins in any form or supplements to our campers, excluding melatonin.

Due to the overwhelming amount of campers who take Miralax, camp will now be providing Miralax to all of our campers who need it. Parents no longer need to order it through our vendor or bring it to camp on opening day. Camp will be charging a fee of $10 per week that each camper will be taking Miralax during the summer. In order for your camper to have Miralax at camp you must enter it in to the medication section of the Health History. If it is not written in your Health History we will not dispense it.

There will be a $50 charge per session for any camper that takes an injection which includes growth hormone, or allergy shots. Injections will be given each day at the same time, directly after dinner. In order for your camper to have an injection at camp you must enter it in to the medication section of the Health History, and bring the shots to camp with a prescription and orders from the doctor. If it is not written in your Health History we will not be able to give the injection.